If your are ready to create your own blog , follow these steps:
step 1:
your just go for the following link:
blog spot is one of the popular blog provider that owned by Google.
you can directly log i n to your blog using your gmail id.

log in by using your gmail id, if your are a new user of gmail, just create an account for log in.

You can design your blog as you wish.You can add several gadgets available in the design section . The purpose of every gadgets are different. It will provide you the facilities like slide show, video bars, games, fun etc

Posting is the main part of a blog. There is button named 'new post' for posting your blogging to the world. Any one can visit your blog using your blog id provided by Google blog service
eg: my blog id is www.123wings.blogspot.com

There is several option for blogger to design your blog. You can select your blog color, style, alphabetic style etc.First view attraction is the one of the main thing that attract the blog walkers to your blog.Better you should not try to imitate ones ideas , you should create your own ideas and just express your personality to the world as using blog as a media.